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Helping You

Protect Your Family

and Your Future Legacy


Protect Your Family and Your Future Legacy

What would you do if you had no debt and control over your money? The sky's the limit!

Legacy Banking

Design your own private bank or Legacy Banking using current debt, including your mortgage, to build wealth with the same budget and become debt-free in 9 years or less.



Legacy Banking Strategies help you with debt elimination using powerful financial formulas with simple interest to quickly eliminate any amortization, including your mortgage.

Tax-Free Retirement Income

Using your current debt to create wealth simultaneously by increasing your savings with tax-deferred benefits and accessing the money tax-free.

Family and Income Protection

Protect your family income for disability, chronic, critical or terminal illness without paying additional out of pocket for mortgage protection



Turn debt into wealth in as little as 9 years, build a retirement to last a lifetime, and transfer your legacy tax-free to your children's legacy.

Legacy Banking Makes Great Families.

Certainly! Here are three characteristics that makes Legacy Banking great for families:

1. Stability

Legacy Banking stability provides a sense of security for families who want to ensure their money is safe and secure with no market risk.

2. Family-oriented:

We offer a range of financial products that are designed to meet the needs of families, life insurance, mortgage protection, college savings plans, and retirement plans.

3. Trust:

We represent the highest rated carriers that have built a reputation for being trustworthy. Families can trust that their money is in good hands and have total control and access to liquidity. This trust is essential for families who want to establish a long-term financial goals.

What Is a Debt-Free Lifestyle? Turning Debt into Wealth?

Debt-Free Financial Road Map to a Wealthy Lifestyle:

What if you could pay off all your debts, including your mortgage, in 9 years or less?

What if you could do it without spending any more money than you already are?

You can with Legacy Banking.

If you're like most people, you've got a lot of debt—probably more than you'd like to admit.

Maybe it's student loans, credit card debt, or maybe even both. Whatever kind of debt you have, it's something that can really hold you back from getting ahead financially. And the worst part is that it sticks around for a long time: 30 years, typically!

  • Build cash and earn compounding interest

  • Pay off debt faster in 9 years or less

  • Save for the future

We Work With Companies You Can Trust

Eliminate Debt; Build Wealth to Save For The Future

But what if we told you there was a way out of this trap? What if there was another way to look at your finances—a way that would let you pay off all those debts fast and free yourself from their burden once and for all? Well, guess what: There is! It's called Legacy Banking, and it works by maximizing your current monthly contribution toward paying off existing debts without increasing the amount spent each month by one cent (or penny). That means no more bleeding from living paycheck to paycheck.

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